๐Ÿ”— Service Letter


As the Data Scientist working in Insharp Technologies (Private) Limited, my work spreads across multiple fields. I worked in Natural language processing related projects and Building dashboards using Power Bi.

  • Build out the data and reporting infrastructure from the ground up using Power Bi and SQL on HR domain.
  • Worked on designing and developing an automated ETL solution to load the data into database and processed it.
  • Gathered in knowledge on designing and developing star schema, fact tables and dimension tables.
  • Worked on creating Power Bi dashboards, Reports, Power views, Workspaces and Sharing dashboards.
  • Created different visualization in the reports using custom visuals like Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Line Charts, Cards, Slicers, Calculated Measures, Filters, etc. Also, using different transformation inside edit query into clean-up the data.
  • Created Power BI reports utilizing the desktop and the online service and schedule refresh.
  • Worked on analyzing and detecting the data quality issues and providing the proper solution.
  • Collaborating with the dashboard users to identify technical requirements for the project based on their business requirements.
  • Interacting with dashboard users and deliver the results up to their requirements on time.
  • Helping users in understanding file uploading web application and creating reports.
  • Worked on resume parsing algorithm
  • Worked on redacting candidates' personal details in the resume.
  • Developed custom named entity recognition model to extract relevant details from resumes.
  • Built resume recommendation system based on the job descriptions.
  • Worked on solving RASA chatbot chatflow broken issue.