What is Docker?

Docker serves as a platform designed for the development, shipping, and execution of applications within containers.

Basic Docker Commands

  • docker build: To build Docker Image
  • docker container: To manage the containers
  • docker events: To view the server events
  • docker image: To manage the docker images
  • docker images: To returns the list of docker images
  • docker kill: To kills the running containers
  • docker logout: To logout of docker hub
  • docker login: To login docker hub
  • docker logs: To returns logs from a container
  • docker push: To push an image to docker hub
  • docker port: To mentions the running port number
  • docker pull: To pull an image from docker hub
  • docker run: To run a new docker image
  • docker rm: To remove container
  • docker rmi: To remove rmi
  • docker tag: To tag an image referring source image
  • docker stop: To stop the running container
  • docker ps: To see the number of running containers

Terms to remember



Docker Daemon

Docker Hub



  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOn-DJbUi1w&t=61s
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtjTBzLbYuI

That’s it!

Happy learning ..! Will update other terms in future!