Data Engineering
Data Engineering is one of the leading & emerging fields. The demand for Data engineers has risen in recent days. When you google what is data engineering? you can get thousands of answers but here I pointing out only three answers that I understood clearly and I hope that will make you get a clear understanding.
Data engineering is the practice of designing and building systems for collecting, storing, and analyzing data at scale.
The key to understanding what data engineering lies in the “engineering” part. Engineers design and build things. “Data” engineers design and build pipelines that transform and transport data into a format wherein, by the time it reaches the Data Scientists or other end users, it is in a highly usable state.
Data engineering is the complex task of making raw data usable to data scientists and groups within an organization. Data engineering encompasses numerous specialties of data science.
In this article, I will mention key terms used by data engineers regularly. I have tried my best to keep this as simple as possible and decided to compile it all in one place.
Key Terms
Data Lineage
Data lineage is a process of understanding how the data generated from the source and how it reaches the destination. Simply it answers the following questions.
- Where the data begins?
- What happens to it over time?
- Where it moves over time?
- Where it ends up?
Data Lineage Tools
- Keboola
- Dremio
- Kylo
- Octopai
Data Pipeline
Sequences of processes/steps that copy, transform, load and analyze the data.
Data pipelines are modeled as Directed acyclic graphs. DAG is a conceptual representation of a series of activities or in other words, a mathematical abstraction of a data pipeline.
Data Warehouse
Exists on top of several databases and used for business intelligence.
- Google BigQuery
- Snowflake
- Amazon Redshift
Apache Impala
Basically, to overcome the slowness of Hive queries, Cloudera offers a seperate tool is what we call Impala.
- Offers high-performance, low-latency SQL queries.
- Only available in Hadoop distribution.
- MPP (Massive Parallel Processing) query engine that executes on Hadoop platform.
Apache Kafka
Open-source streaming platform.
Online Transactional Processing designed for transactional processing, typically follow data normalization rules.
- Transactional
- Real time fast processing
- Normalized
- Examples: Financial transactional systems, ATM Center
Online Analytical Processing models used for datawarehouse and datamart applications.
- Analytical
- Slow queries
- Denormalized
- Historical data
- Example: Recommendation Systems
“Node” refers to a vital unit within a distributed computing system. It encompasses compute, memory (RAM), and storage resources essential for executing tasks efficiently across the cluster.
Group of nodes.
Replication Factor
Denotes the number of copies maintained for each data block across the distributed system.
Principle of Data Locality
Processing the data where it resides to minimize the data movement.By processing the dat at the its location we can eliminate network traffic and enhance the performance.
Slowest performing machine.
Speculative Execution
Parallelizing the tasks that is performing by slow machine to other machine to get the results faster.
It’s a computational unit responsible for executing tasks within a distributed computing framework like Apache Spark.
Transform the data from one stage to another stage.
Transformation will execute once the Action is called. Simple trigger the execution of transformations.
That’s it!
Happy learning ..! Will update other terms in future!